259,00 € 229,90 €
Bracelet with a set of namistin Scandinavian symbols and Viking mythology.
Material: silver 925
Vaga: 77 g
Material: natural skin, width 1.1 cm.
Name a short description of the symbols (forward to the right):
Light Tree Yґґdrasіl – the ancient Scandinavian peoples represented the world, where they live, at the sight of the Veletensky ash tree. The whole tree was a great all-world, which was formed from nine worlds, as it was inhabited by veletins, gods, mythical beings, and people.
Valkyrie – warrior diva, Odin’s helper. The commanders of the Valkyrie were able to turn the middle of the dead most important warriors and transfer them to Valhalla, the stench became heroes, that on the choli from One they were beaten from the army of the dead at the ultimate battle.
Odin on Sleipnir – the supreme god of Scandinavian mythology Odin on the enchanting eight-legged horse Sleipnir (« the one that spreads ») at the escort of two ravens – Khugina and Munina.
Valknut is a symbol of the trinity of the three main worlds of Scandinavian mythology. The sign that poov’yazyut z Odіnom.
Vegvisir is a runic sign of the Vikings, a symbol of navigation. The meaning of this symbol is deciphered in one of the ancient manuscripts with an offensive phrase: « The one who has this sign with him, will not perish in a storm, nor in a wretchedness, wind up like a path for you to be invisible. » The greater wide sense has a magic road trip, which, in any situation, will help you turn home or know the right way.
Huґіn ta Munіn – a pair of crooks, like they fly around the whole world and tell God Odin about new things. In old Icelandic language, Huґin means “thought”, and Munin means “memory”.
Sholom Jahu – the magical symbol of the Vikings Aegishjalmur, a symbol of fearlessness, the strength of that victory. This is one of the most intense and mysterious symbols of Scandinavian mythology. Vіsіm nastovburchenih vіdrostkіv come out of the central stake, nіbi protect yogo and yogo vlasnik from the gates. The symbol is created with a method to drive a panic on the enemies.
The eighth symbol is a decorative element of the Scandinavian and rich other world cultures. Superficially false interpretation of Russian propaganda can’t bear the swastika. As one of the variants of the symbol, which can be used to name Solomon’s vuzol, it can mean immortality or eternity.
Hammer of Thor – an amulet at the sight of the hammer of Thor vvazhayut with a tight amulet, which protects and gives confidence to the hairdresser at the bridge over the gate. A symbol of goodness and strength to resist the forces of chaos and evil.
Light serpent Jormungand – in the Scandinavian mythology, the separation of Ouroboros. An ancient symbol of eternity, inconsistency and cyclicality, creation and destruction, life and death, death and rebirth.
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